Kidney Patients’ rights
- Those with kidney disease (Dialysis patients, CAPD patients and Transplant patients) are entitled to free medical care. Hospital care is free of charge if it is provided in State Hospitals or Contracted Clinics.
- The costs of hemodialysis are fully covered by EOPYY, regardless of whether the patient’s dialysis is provided in a state or private artificial kidney unit.
- Travel expenses are covered by EOPYY, and the supporting documents from all the insurers other than IKA are filed at the local EOPYY YPAD offices. The amount is a monthly compensation depending on the place of residence and the distance from the artificial kidney unit.
- All renal patients are entitled to a dietary allowance of 362 Euros per month, paid on a case-by-case basis per month or every two months.
- The indirectly insured and the needy are also entitled to a welfare allowance.
Renal patients should be served as a priority by public services
- End-stage renal patients who are directly or indirectly insured (workers and pensioners) are entitled to an annual aerotherapy allowance of 200 Euros.
- Renal patients who are insured by EOPYY are entitled to travel expenses during the summer period (June, July, August) for holidays (under certain conditions) of up to 2 months.
- Renal patients with a disability rate of at least 67%, and with an annual individual income of no more than 23,000 Euros or an annual family income of no more than 29,000 Euros, increased by 5,500 Euros for each disabled child with a disability rate of 80%, are entitled to free travel on all urban public transport. They are also entitled to half price tickets on KTEL, OSE and the suburban railway.
- All hemodialysis renal patients are entitled to purchase a car up to 1600 cc. without paying duties and are exempt from circulation taxes. Old medical committee reports (up to 5 years old) are valid; otherwise, a certificate from KEPA is needed.
- All renal patients have the right to be hired by public utilities, banks and other public bodies via a competitive procedure and at a 5% rate for Disabled People (Law 2643 article 3 par. 1 of Government Gazette Series I No. 227/98).
- All renal patients are entitled to a permit to drive within the traffic-restricted “ring” if their Artificial Kidney Unit is inside the “ring” (Law 3075 No. Φ 297 A 05/12/2002)
- 1st and 2nd stage renal patients have a disability rate of: 0%, 3rd stage of: 10-20%, 4th stage of: 35-67%, 5th stage of: 80%
- All renal patients with a disability rate of 80% or more are entitled to a tax-free amount determined each year by a decision of the Ministry of Finance.
- All renal patients are admitted to AEI and TEI without being examined (Law 2640/98 Government Gazette Series I 206A/03/09/1998), at a rate of 3% per faculty.
- All renal patients are entitled to a deduction in their telephone bill up to the value of one thousand urban units per month (Article 6 Par.11 of 255/83 Decision of the National Telecommunications Commission, Government Gazette II No. 874/12/07/2002, Special Circular Number 887/302 09/01/2003).
- Renal patients who have a car adapted for the disabled are entitled to a parking card (Presidential Decree 241, file no. 290 - 30/11/2005).
- Children of kidney dialysis patients are entitled to transfer at the rate of 1% to a corresponding school near their place of residence. (Law 3283, Government Gazette Series I, file no. 208, 01/11/2004).
- End-stage renal transplant patients, as well as parents of children with end-stage renal insufficiency, who are regular employees or employees with an indefinite private-law employment relationship with the Public Sector, the National Public Health Service or Local Authorities, are entitled to reduced working hours by one (1) hour per day (Law 3731, Government Gazette Series I No 263 23/12/2008, article 30 / par.8), as well as twenty-two (22) days’ additional leave (Law 3528, File No 26, 09/02/2007).
- End-stage renal patients are exempt from municipal fees (Law 3463 File No 114 Series II- 08/06/2006).
- End-stage renal patients are exempt from ETAA, as long as this is in force, and under certain conditions (Law 4021 Government Gazette Series II No. 218 03/10/2011/POL: 1244, 01/12/2011).
- End-stage renal patients are eligible for the PPC social tariff, provided certain conditions are met (tel. for information 210-9298000).
- End-stage renal patients are entitled to a heating allowance under certain conditions (tel. for information 210-4803131).
- End-stage renal patients are entitled to a Culture Card obtainable from the Citizens’ Advice Bureau.
Friday, May 25, 2018

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